Monday, March 17, 2014

Kearington - Month 10

And Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Time is going by so quickly!  I know it will be Kearington's first birthday before I know it.  I keep telling myself that I can just keep her 11 months and 29 days old forever, but I guess that isn't reality.  This month seems to be the biggest in regards to K learning things.  She is picking up on things so quickly...including picking up every piece of lent and dirt on the ground (which is driving me crazy!)  She will now follow me wherever I go.  No more going into the kitchen for water without turning around and seeing her smiling right behind me.  I am enjoying every minute with her as I know she will only be this small for a short period of time.  Pictures are becoming more difficult as she won't sit still for very long nor does she like to look at the camera.  Here are a few of this month's outtakes:

*17 lbs
*Wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes
*You still love D D more than anyone and he is starting to warm up more to you
*You say Ma Ma and Da Da all of the time!
*Starting to say "bye bye" and wave
*Will wave every time someone says "hi"
*Four teeth
*You still love your blocks and rings but are starting to enjoy stuffed animals too
*Loves pulling out and chewing on all your books (you are like a beaver most of the time)
*Sleeping 10-12 hours at night
*Loves pretty much any food especially when you can feed yourself
*Crawling around and getting into everything
*Pulling up on everything and starting to "walk" holding onto things
*You definitely know what the word "No" means and you don't like it
*Loves being held but also loves to play by yourself

Kearington - you continue to bring so much joy to your daddy and I as well as anyone that comes into contact with you.  I always think there is no way I could love you more but I think our love grows for you daily.  We love watching you grow and learn new things.  We want to keep you a baby forever but know you will grow up and do amazing things.  We are so glad that God choose us to be your parents!

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