Thursday, April 26, 2012

Four Years Ago...

Four years ago today, I was getting ready to marry the man of my dreams, hoping and praying that it wouldn't rain.  All the months of stress, laughter, and planning were leading up to this one moment.  A moment that I will never forget and a day that was one of the best of my life!

My Handsome Fella


As I waiting for the music to start playing, all I could think about was the handsome guy that would be waiting for me down the aisle.  I thought about all of the memories we had already had together and all of the ones we still had to make.  I thought about how lucky I was to have found someone so awesome to share the rest of my life with.  Even though it started pouring down rain, our wedding was better than I could’ve imagined!

Waiting for his lady

My Grandmother's Ring
My Sweet Grandparents

Brandon, you are the most loving and supportive husband a girl could ask for.  I can’t imagine going through life with anyone other than you by my side.  I am so thankful to have you in my life and call you my husband.  I am looking forward to what year four has to bring.  I love you more than Italian Food and Vino! (which is A LOT!)  :)

Happy Anniversary Brandon!

Pictures courtesy of Cheyenne and Geoff Schultz from The Schultzes - the best photographers in the world!!!


  1. seriously - four YEARS have gone by since this day?! WOW! Happy anniversary, you two. I'll never forget that day....especially that birdseed shot....of WET birdseed....and then you guys walking up to the car that was COVERED in mess. :)


    1. I know! Time has gone by so fast! I'm so thankful that you and Geoff were there that day to celebrate with us and give us amazing pictures to look back on.
